Papago Plus Service Terms and Conditions
The translation below is provided for your convenience only. If there is any discrepancy between the translation in English and the original Korean text (including due to the delay in translation), the original Korean text takes precedence.
Chapter 1: General Provisions
Article 1: Purpose

These terms and conditions(the “Terms”) aim to define the conditions and procedures for the use of the paid service of Papago Plus(the 'Service'), operated by Naver Cloud Corporation (the 'Company'), as well as other necessary matters regarding its use.

Article 2: Definitions
  • 1.
    Capitalized terms used in these Terms are defined as follows:
    • ① 'Papago Plus' refers to the paid neural machine translation service developed by the ‘Company’ (hereinafter referred to as 'Service').
    • ② 'Member' refers to a user who agrees to these terms and conditions and uses the ‘Service’.
    • ③ 'Team Management' refers to an additional feature of the ‘Service’ where a ‘Member’, in the capacity of a representative (the 'Team Admin'), can invite other Members (the 'Team Members') to use the translation functions of the purchased product together. The ‘Team Admin’ and ‘Team Members’ together constitute a 'Team'.
    • ④ 'Pass' refers to the paid product that a ‘Member’ purchases to use the Service.
    • ⑤ 'Input Data' refers to the data (including text, voice, images, documents, and websites) entered or registered by the ‘Member’ in the course of using the Service.
    • ⑥ 'Output Data' refers to all the data translated by the ‘Company’ through the ‘Service’.
    • ⑦'Glossary' refers to a collection of translated terms created and designated by the user to be reflected in the ‘Output Data’.
    • ⑧ 'Site' refers to the website ( operated by the ‘Company’ to provide the ‘Service’.
  • 2.
    The definitions of the terms used in these Terms, unless otherwise specified in Paragraph 1 of this Article, shall be in accordance with relevant laws, the operational policies of the Service, and general commercial practices.
Article 3: Effectiveness and Amendment of the Terms
  • 1.
    These Terms shall take effect upon notification to the ‘Member’ via posting on the ‘Site’ or other methods and the ‘Member’s' consent.
  • 2.
    The ‘Company’ may amend these Terms to the extent that it does not violate applicable laws such as the "Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions", "Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce", and "Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection".
  • 3.
    If the ‘Company’ amend these terms, it shalll notify the ‘Member’ of the effective date and the explanation for the amendment, along with the current terms, at least 7 days before the effective date of the revised version. However, for changes that are disadvantageous to Members or significant, the notice shall be made 30 days in advance via the same methods and through email or other electronic means.
  • 4.
    If the ‘Company’ notifies or informs the ‘Member’ about the amended terms according to the preceding paragraph and explicitly states that the amendment shall be deemed accepted if there is no objection expressed by the effective date, and the ‘Member’ does not explicitly express refusal of such amendment until the effective date, the Member shall be deemed to have agreed to the amended terms.
  • 5.
    If a ‘Member’ does not agree to the amended terms, the ‘Company’ cannot apply the amended terms, and in such cases, the ‘Member’ can terminate the ‘Service’ usage contract.
  • 6.
    The ‘Company’ shall not be responsible for any damages incurred due to the Member's unawareness of the amended Terms while the ‘Company’ complied with the procedures specified in this article for the amendment of the Terms.
Article 4: Rules other than the Terms
  • 1.
    The ‘Company’ may establish separate operational policies related to the use of the ‘Service’ if necessary for maintaining the ‘Service’ and protecting the ‘Member’, and the Company shall notify the ‘Member’ via the method described in Article 3, Paragraph 1. The ‘Member’ shall check and comply with the operational policies set by the ‘Company’.
  • 2.
    For matters not specified in these terms and for their interpretation, applicable laws such as the "Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection", "Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce", and the operational policies set by the ‘Company’ shall apply.
Chapter 2: Service Usage Contract
Article 5: Establishment of the Usage Contract
  • 1.
    The usage contract(the “Service Agreement”) is established when a person wishing to become a ‘Member’ agrees to these Terms and applies for the ‘Service’ purchase, and the ‘Company’ approves the application.
  • 2.
    The ‘Company’ will notifiy the approval of the application through posting on the relevant ‘Service’ screen, email, or other methods.
  • 3.
    Minors under the age of 19 cannot register as ‘Members’ or purchase the ‘Service’. This is notified before ‘Service’ registration. If a minor under 19 uses an adult's personal or payment information to register and purchase the ‘Service’, and thereby deceiving the ‘Company’ to believe that the ‘Member’ is an adult, the Service Agreement cannot be unilaterally canceled by the ‘Member’.
Article 6: Purchase Application
  • 1.
    Persons wishing to become ‘Members’ must provide the necessary information according to the purchase application form prescribed by the ‘Company’.
  • 2.
    If the applicant uses someone else’s information, the use of the ‘Service’ may be restricted, and the applicant may be punished according to applicable laws.
  • 3.
    Providing false information during the purchase application is prohibited, and the ‘Company’ shall not be responsible for issues arising from false information.
Article 7: Acceptance and Restriction of Purchase Application
  • 1.
    The ‘Company’ generally approves the use of the ‘Service’ in the order of receipt if there are no business or technical difficulties.
  • 2.
    The ‘Company’ may reject or defer approval for any of the following cases:
    • ① If the applicant provides false information (including others' information) or fails to submit the required information.
    • ② If the applicant intends to use the ‘Service’ for illegal or improper purposes.
    • ③ If the application violates the ‘Company's’ policies.
    • ④ If the applicant has overdue ‘Service’ fees(the “Fees”) or history of inappropriate ‘Service’ usage.
    • ⑤ If the applicant has previously lost membership or had a Service Agreement terminated due to a breach of these Terms.
    • ⑥ If a suspended ‘Member’ arbitrarily terminates the Service Agreementduring the suspension period and reapplies.
    • ⑦ If the applicant is a minor under the age of 19.
    • ⑧ Other cases where approval is deemed significantly inappropriate for reasons similar to items 1 to 7.
Chapter 3: Obligations of the Contracting Parties
Article 8: Obligations of the ‘Company’
  • 1.
    The ‘Company’ shall enable the ‘Member’ to use the ‘Service’ unless there are special circumstances.
  • 2.
    The ‘Company’ shall repair or recover facilities without delay in the event of failure or destruction, unless there are unavoidable reasons hindering such actions, to ensure continuous and stable service provision.
  • 3.
    The ‘Company’ shall handle opinions or complaints from the ‘Member’ through appropriate procedures if they are objectively deemed legitimate. If immediate handling is difficult, the ‘Member’ shall be informed of the reasons and the processing schedule.
Article 9: Obligations of the ‘Member’
  • 1.
    The ‘Member’ shall not engage in the following acts while using the ‘Service’:
    • ① Sharing one’s ID or password with others, or using others' IDs or passwords improperly.
    • ② Impersonating the ‘Company's’ staff or the ‘Company’ itself.
    • ③ Damaging others' reputations or causing disadvantages.
    • ④ Acts deemed related to criminal behavior.
    • ⑤ Infringing the intellectual property rights of the ‘Company’ or third parties.
    • ⑥ Using malicious programs, bugs, or exploiting system vulnerabilities in the ‘Service’.
    • ⑦ Registering data infected with computer viruses.
    • ⑧ Generating excessive traffic, multiple connections, or frequent IP changes within a short period, resulting in abnormal ‘Service’ usage.
    • ⑨ Entering translation content that infringes on personal or third-party intellectual property rights, personal or secret information, and private life (e.g., inputting substantial parts of an existing author's work without permission or inputting ID card content).
    • ⑩ Using the "Service" TTS(Text to Speech) output (voice file) for purposes (including non-commercial purposes or uses) other than listening to the 'input data" or "output data" within the "Service" (including in online services and offline locations.)
    • ⑪ Using the "Service" by/though/via directly calling its URL in an external service.
    • ⑫ Using automated means (such as macro programs, robots (bots), spiders, scrapers, etc.) to mechanically request translation, collect the resulting "output data," or use the collected "output data" for commercial or non-commercial purposes.
    • ⑬ Processing, subleasing, selling, distributing, or broadcasting Result Data.
    • ⑭ Interfering with or delaying the normal operation of the ‘Service’.
  • 2.
    The ‘Member’ cannot engage in business activities using the ‘Service’ without a valid contract or permission from the ‘Company’ and shall compensate the ‘Company’ for any damages arising from such activities.
  • 3.
    The ‘Member’ cannot transfer, gift, or provide as collateral their ‘Service’ usage rights or contract status to others.
  • 4.
    The ‘Member’ must pay the specified Fees for using the ‘Service’ and is responsible for any issues arising from unpaid Fees due to the ‘Company's’ fault or recognized reasons.
  • 5.
    The ‘Member’ must notify the ‘Company’ immediately of any changes in the member's information, and the ‘Company’ is not responsible for issues caused by delayed notification. the ‘Member’ must immediately notify the ‘Company’ of any changes in their information and is responsible for issues arising from delayed notification. The ‘Company’ is not responsible for any issues caused by information exposure due to the ‘Member’s’ fault.
  • 6.
    If the ‘Member’ causes malfunction to the ‘Company's’ facilities, they must bear all costs for repair or replacement and any resulting damages to the ‘Company’.
  • 7.
    The ‘Member’ is responsible for any issues arising from the copyright of the 'Input Data' uploaded for ‘Service’ use.
  • 8.
    The ‘Member’ must comply with these terms, usage guides, notices on the ‘Service’, and all related laws and regulations, and the ‘Member’ shall not engage in any acts that interfere with the ‘Company's’ operations or damage its reputation.
Chapter 4: Use of the Service
Article 10: Service Usage Time
  • 1.
    The ‘Service’ is available 24 hours a day, year-round, unless there are special business or technical difficulties. However, the ‘Company’ may designate specific days or times for regular system inspections, temporary checks, expansions, and replacements.
  • 2.
    2. The ‘Company’ may temporarily suspend the ‘Service’ for any of the following reasons and will notify the ‘Member’ according to Article 11. If pre-notification is not possible due to unavoidable circumstances, post-notification can be provided:
    • ① In urgent cases of system inspection, expansion, or replacement.
    • ② If telecommunications service providers suspend telecommunications services.
    • ③ In the event of national emergencies, power outages, facility failures, or service usage surges which make normal ‘Service’ provision impossible.
    • ④ Any other unavoidable reason.
  • 3.
    The ‘Company’ may divide the ‘Service’ into specific ranges and designate separate usage times for each range. In such cases, the details will be announced in advance.
Article 11: Notification or Provision of Information
  • 1.
    Notifications to the ‘Member’ will be made via email, login notices, or other methods unless otherwise specified. For notifications to all of the ‘Members’, the ‘Company’ can post the content on the ‘Company’s bulletin board for at least seven days as a substitute.
  • 2.
    The ‘Company’ may provide various information deemed necessary for ‘Service’ usage to the ‘Member’ via email, upon prior consent. The ‘Member’ can opt out of receiving such information, except for essential notices related to payments, policy changes, service disruptions, etc.
Article 12: Types of Service
  • 1.
    By purchasing a ‘Pass’, the ‘Company’ provides the following ‘Service’ to the ‘Member’:
    • ① Generation, management, and storage of ‘Result Data’ from ‘Input Data’ entered by the ‘Member’ through machine translation.
    • ② Document translation convenience features (viewer, editor, etc.) for the ‘Member’.
    • ③ Application of user-created glossaries to ‘Result Data’.
    • ④ Team member management functions for the ‘Member’ using ‘Team Management’.
  • 2.
    The ‘Company’ may add or change the content of the ‘Service’ as necessary. If significant changes affect the rights and obligations of the ‘Member’, the ‘Company’ will announce these changes 30 days before their application.
  • 3.
    The ‘Service’ is accessible through all wired and wireless networks, including 5G, 3G, LTE, Wi-Fi, and LAN connections.
  • 4.
    If the ‘Member’ has not purchased a ‘pass’, service usage may be restricted.
  • 5.
    To provide the functionalities mentioned in Paragraph 1, the ‘Company’ must obtain the individual consent of the ‘Member’ at the time of or before providing the ‘Pass’.
  • 6.
    To deliver the ‘Service’, the ‘Company’ may store the following data uploaded by ‘Member’:
    • ① Document translation: ‘Result Data’ stored for 24 hours then deleted.
    • ② Favorites: Registered translation items, including text, voice, image, document, website ‘Input Data’, and ‘Result Data’.
    • ③ Glossary: Stored until the ‘Member’ deletes it.
  • 7.
    Content created per Paragraph 1, Items 3-4 may be deleted in the following cases:
    • ① When the ‘Member’ deletes items registered in Favorites or the glossary.
    • ② Five days after the termination of a ‘Pass’ due to refund, product cancellation, or payment failure.
  • 8.
    The ‘Company’ will not store ‘Input Data’ or use it for service-learning purposes outside the scope defined in Paragraph 6.
  • 9.
    In terms of ‘Service’ usage, payment, refunds, and data deletion, ‘one day’ refers to 24 hours. Thus, ‘one day after payment’ means 24 hours from the time of payment.
Article 13: Service Types and Fees
  • 1.
    The types and fees (including VAT) of ‘Services’ provided by the ‘Company’ are detailed on each product page. The ‘Company’ may add, change, or discontinue products with prior notice and introduce new or promotional products.
  • 2.
    At its discretion, the ‘Company’ may offer free trials for some ‘Passes’. Free trial periods and benefits may change at the ‘Company’s discretion. Criteria for free trial recipients are determined by the ‘Company’ and may change. If a ‘Pass’ is purchased during the free trial, the trial ends immediately. Upon the trial’s conclusion, the paid ‘Pass’ is automatically extended.
Article 14: Payment Methods
  • 1.
    Payments for ‘Services’ are made through the payment methods provided within the ‘Service’.
  • 2.
    When using third-party payment methods, the contract terms between the ‘Member’ and the third party apply.
  • 3.
    Payments for ‘Services’ will be automatically renewed with the same ‘Pass’ unless the ‘Member’ requests cancellation or changes.
Article 15: Service Suspension and Changes
  • 1.
    If the ‘Company’ can no longer provide the ‘Service’ due to internal reasons, it will notify the ‘Member’ as specified in Article 11 and compensate the ‘Member’ based on the remaining ‘Pass’ period.
  • 2.
    For any changes to the ‘Service’, the ‘Company’ will notify the ‘Member’ as specified in Article 11. If the ‘Member’ disagrees with the changes, the ‘Member’ can terminate the Service Agreement.
Article 16: Withdrawal of Subscription, Contract Termination, and Refunds
  • 1.
    The ‘Member’ can use the ‘Service’ from the ‘Pass’ purchase date and withdraw their subscription via the ‘Site’ within seven days from the date of purchase if the ‘Member’ has not used the Service. After this period, withdrawal is not possible, except if the content of the Service is different from the Service Agreementt, in which case, withdrawal is allowed within three months fromthe commencement of the usage or 30 days from awareness of such difference.
  • 2.
    The ‘Member’ can cancel their purchased ‘Pass’ via the ‘Site’ at any time, aside from subscription withdrawal.
  • 3.
    The ‘Member’ can change the type of 'Pass' or the regular payment period (annual or monthly) through the 'Site' from the starting date of using the purchased 'Pass' until the day before the next payment date. However, the type of 'Pass' and the regular payment period cannot be changed simultaneously. The change of 'Pass' is considered a new purchase after the termination of the current Pass contract, and the refund standard in paragraph 4 of this Article shall apply. However, in the event of a refund due to the change of 'Pass,' no additional refund fee will be applied.
  • 4.
    If a 'Member' requests a withdrawal of their purchase, termination of the Service Agreement, or a refund for the 'Pass' they purchased, the 'Service' will calculate the refund amount based on the usage period and usage records of the 'Pass' held by the 'Member.' Refund amounts are based on usage period and history, with the following criteria:
    • ① Full refund within seven days of purchase if there is no service usage.
    • ② If the withdrawal period has expired or if there is a usage record of the 'Service' within the withdrawal period and the ‘Member’ terminates the 'Pass' midway, the 'Company' will deduct an amount based on a certain rate applied by the 'Company,' considering the benefits obtained by the ‘Member’ through the 'Service' or 'Pass' until the time of termination, and will refund the remaining amount after deducting a 10% refund fee from the remaining amount.
    • ③ The standard for providing refunds is detailed in the ‘Service’ help or FAQ section.
  • 5.
    The ‘Company’ will provide detailed refund information on the Service Guidance page.
  • 6.
    The 'Company' will proceed with the refund of the payment within 3 business days from the date on which the ‘Member’ expresses their intention to withdraw or terminate the Service Agreement, but the refund will be calculated and deducted according to the criteria of Paragraph 4 of Article 16.
  • 7.
    ‘Service’ usage ends upon withdrawal or termination of Service Agreement.
  • 8.
    If the 'Member' agrees or does not respond to the Company's notice of return, the corresponding amount can be deducted from the next month's bill. However, if the 'Member' agrees or does not respond to the Company's notice of return, the corresponding amount can be deducted from the next month's bill.
  • 9.
    If there are unpaid Fees the 'Member' has not paid for whom the 'Company' shall return Fees, etc., the 'Company' can deduct the unpaid Fees or charges first before returning the remaining amount.
  • 10.
    Refunds are made via the original payment method.
  • 11.
    If the 'Member' has objections regarding the fees, refund, or deductions, they can file a complaint within 6 months from the billing or refund date, and the 'Company' will investigate the validity of the complaint and inform the 'Member' of the results within 7 days after receiving the complaint. However, if it is not possible to notify the ‘Member’ of the complaint results within the specified period due to unavoidable reasons, the 'Company' will inform the 'Member' of the reasons for such and the re-designated processing period.
Article 17: Usage Restrictions
  • 1.
    The ‘Member’ is responsible for any data loss due to termination of Service Agreement, subscription withdrawal, unpaid Fees, or expired usage period and cannot claim damages from the ‘Company’.
  • 2.
    The 'Company' may terminate the Service Agreementor restrict the use of the ‘Service’, including deleting data, if the 'Member' violates the content of Article 9 (Obligations of the Member) of these terms and conditions or if any of the following circumstances apply, with prior notice to the Member. However, if there is a serious impact on the 'Service', the 'Company' may notify the 'Member' after taking action.
    • ① Abnormal usage as defined by service operation principles.
    • ② Sharing accounts with others.
    • ③ Using ‘Input Data’ or ‘Result Data’ politically or when the use of the ‘Member’ cause socially adverse issues.
    • ④ Using the 'service' abnormally (e.g., using bypass methods, excessive traffic).
    • ⑤ Using the 'service' beyond the permitted scope.
    • ⑥ Failing to pay Service-related fees on time.
  • 3.
    The ‘Company’ is not responsible for any consequences arising from the violations in Paragraph 2 of Article 17, and the ‘Member’ is liable for any damages caused to the ‘Company’.
Chapter 5: Team Management
Article 18: Formation of Team Management Contract
  • 1.
    The ‘Team Management’ contract is established when the ‘Team Member’ agrees to the terms and consents to use the service with the ‘Team Admin’, and the ‘Company’ approves it.
  • 2.
    The Company notifies the approval of the application through posting on the relevant Service screen, email, or other methods.
Article 19: Team Management Payment Methods
  • 1.
    When using ‘Team Management’, the ‘Team Admin’ pays the total amount corresponding to the initially set number of ‘Team Members’ (‘Team Quota’ x ‘Pass’ amount). The number of ‘Team Members’ cannot exceed the ‘Team Quota’. Payment is based on the ‘Team Quota’, even if fewer members are in the team.
  • 2.
    Individual ‘Pass’ purchases are not allowed for ‘Team Members’ within the team. Existing ‘Passes’ are automatically canceled and refunded upon acceptance of the ‘Team Admin’s’ invitation.
Article 20: Team Management Usage and Restrictions
  • 1.
    The ‘Company’ will make the specific features, usage methods, and usage restrictions of the ‘Team Management’ provided by the ‘Company’ easily understandable to the ‘Team Members’ through the 'Service' help section or FAQs, etc.
  • 2.
    The 'Team Admin' has the right to invite and delete 'Team Members' and can view part of the 'Team Members' account information. As a processor of personal information, the 'Team Admin' must comply with the Personal Information Protection Act and protect the personal information of 'Team Members'. If it is confirmed that this has not been adhered to, restrictions can be applied according to the Papago Plus Product Terms of Service and Operational Policies, and legal responsibilities can be enforced.
  • 3.
    'Team Members' can accept or reject the 'Team Admin's invitation and can choose to remove themselves from the 'Team Members'.
  • 4.
    The data that 'Team Members' save directly while using the ‘Service’ belongs to the 'Team Members'. They can choose whether to share this data with the ‘Team’, and if they are excluded from the 'Team', the shared data is automatically unshared. However, 'Team Members' will not be able to access ‘Team Shared Data’ that they did not create after being excluded from the 'Team'.
  • 5.
    Team Members' can be excluded from the 'Team' in the following cases:
    • ① If the usage period of the 'Pass' purchased by the 'Team Admin' expires, if the regular payment fails, or if the ‘Team Management’ service is terminated.
    • ② If the 'Team Admin' deletes them from the 'Team Members'.
    • ③ If a 'Team Member' chooses to exclude themselves (withdraw) from the 'Team'.
  • 6.
    If the 'Team Admin' deletes a 'Team Member' or if a 'Team Member' withdraws from the 'Team', the respective ‘Member’ will no longer hold a ‘Pass’ and will be unable to use the ‘Service’. The data saved by them will be stored for 5 days from the date of exclusion from the 'Team', after which it will be deleted.
  • 7.
    The aforementioned ‘Member’ can maintain and use their data if they individually purchase a ‘Pass’ or join a new ‘Team’ within 5 days from the date of exclusion from the 'Team’.
Article 21: Withdrawal of Subscription, Contract Termination, and Refund of ‘Team Management’
  • 1.
    If the 'Team Admin' wishes to terminate the use of the 'Team Management' feature, they can request the termination and deletion of the 'Team Management' feature and a refund corresponding to the deleted 'Team Members' after deleting all 'Team Members'.
  • 2.
    In the event of changes in Fees due to an increase or decrease in the 'Team Members' or if the 'Team Admin' requests a refund for 'Passes' of 'Team Members' excluded from the 'Team', Article 16 of these Terms shall be applied. The refund standard for 'Team Management' is listed in the 'Service' help section or FAQ.
Chapter 6: Compensation and Disclaimers
Article 22: Compensation for Damages
  • 1.
    If the provision of the 'Service' is interrupted or significant defects occur due to the 'Company's fault, the 'Company' will respond promptly to restore the 'Service'. 
  • 2.
    The 'Company' will only compensate the ‘Member’ for actual damages incurred due to the interruption of the 'Service'. However, this excludes cases where the 'Service' is normalized within 2 hours of the 'Member' notifying the 'Company' (or when the 'Company' becomes aware or should have become aware of such interruption), or if the 'Service' is used free of charge through free trials, events, etc., or features provided for free.
  • 3.
    If the 'Company' suffers damages due to the ‘Member’s’ violation of these Terms, the violating 'Member' shall be responsible for compensating all damages suffered by the 'Company'.
  • 4.
    If the 'Company' faces claims for damages, lawsuits, or other objections from third parties due to illegal activities or violations of these Terms by the 'Member', the 'Member' shall indemnify the 'Company' at their own expense and responsibility, and if the 'Company' is not indemnified, the 'Member' must compensate all damages the 'Company' suffered.
Article 23: Disclaimers
  • 1.
    The ‘Company’ shall not be responsible for damages incurred by the ‘Member’ due to the following reasons:
    • ① Inability to provide the ‘Service’ due to force majeure events such as war, riots, natural disasters, or equivalent national emergencies.
    • ② Temporary suspension of ‘Service’ due to unavoidable reasons such as maintenance, replacement, regular inspection, or construction of telecommunication facilities.
    • ③ 'Service' usage disruptions, loss of 'Member' information or materials, or damages due to 'Member' negligence or lack of understanding of 'Service' usage.
    • ④ Damages arising from the ‘Member’ providing incomplete or inaccurate personal information.
    • ⑤ Profits or losses the ‘Member’ expects from using the 'Service' or information or materials obtained through the 'Service'.
    • ⑥ Disputes arising between the ‘Member’ and another ‘Member’, or between the ‘Member’ and a third party through the 'Service'.
    • ⑦ Legal liabilities arising from the ‘Member’’s posting, transmitting, storing, or viewing data.
    • ⑧ Delays or failures in ‘Service’ due to computer errors, internet connection issues, or limitations of mobile devices and operating systems.
    • ⑨ File damage or incorrect storage during upload due to termination or errors in third-party software running on the ‘Member’s’ computers or network environment issues.
    • ⑩ Damages incurred by the ‘Member’ due to the loss, theft, or negligence in managing their ID/Password.
    • ⑪ Damages incurred from suspension of 'Member' accounts or deletion of stored files due to expiration of Service Agreement or non-payment.
    • ⑫ Damages incurred from deletion of stored data as per Article 17.
    • ⑬ Legal liabilities arising from including personal information of oneself or others while using the ‘Service’.
  • 2.
    The ‘Company’ does not guarantee the perfection of machine translation results and is not responsible for 'Result data' obtained through automatic machine translation.
Article 24: Jurisdiction

The ‘Company’ and the ‘Member’ irrevocably consents to the jurisdiction and venue according to the Civil Procedure Act and other related laws.


These terms and conditions are effective from September 25th, 2024 (KST).